Nicolas Goffaux

+32 222 323 90

Avenue des Arts 1-2, 1210 Brussels



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“To put everything in balance is good, to put everything in harmony is better.” – Victor Hugo


With a Commercial Engineering degree (ICHEC) and an M.B.A. with major in Marketing (Vlerick Business School), Nicolas spent the first part of his career in increasingly responsible sales & marketing roles with L’Oréal, in Paris and Belgium.

In 2005, he joined AHEAD, where he has successfully dealt with many different assignments in diverse sectors, including pharma, ICT, national/European/international federations, Consumer Goods and Retail.
Passionate about people, Nicolas is also a Professional Certified Coach, Nova Terra (International Coach Federation).

Nicolas enjoys having quality time with family and friends, tennis, skiing, photography and music.

Languages: English, Dutch, French