Mélanie Denturck


+33 140 546 000

1 Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées, 75008 Paris

FSC Executive Search


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“Reveal the talents of each and give confidence.” – Unknown


Mélanie is a partner at FSC Group. She is also the Managing Director of Monceau Carrières, focused on the outplacement activities.

In the last twenty years, Mélanie provided support, advice, and coaching to various C-Level Executives in the progression of their careers. She also participates actively in the development of Monceau Carrières in France and abroad. As a Psychologist, Consultant, and Coach, Mélanie is an accomplished professional with experience in human resources consulting, recruitment, training, and skills development.

Her professional expertise includes outplacement, assessment, solution-oriented coaching, and the facilitation of co-development groups.

She is certified in MBTI, EQ-i, APP International (DISC), SOSIE, and 360°KADRAN.

Languages spoken: English, French

Associée au sein de Monceau Carrières, elle accompagne les collaborateurs dans leur mobilité professionnelle.

Elle participe également au développement de l’activité du cabinet en France et à l’International. Psychologue, Consultante et Coach, Mélanie exerce des responsabilités depuis 20 ans dans l’univers du conseil en ressources humaines, recrutement, formation et développement des compétences.

Ses domaines d’intervention privilégiés : l’outplacement individuel, le bilan de carrière, le coaching systémique, orienté solutions et l’animation de groupes en Co-Développement. Elle est habilitée MBTI, EQ-i, APP International (DISC), SOSIE, et 360°KADRAN.

Langue parlées: Anglais, Français


05 June, 2024
Emotional Intelligence for High-Performance Leadership
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07 June, 2023
Beyond Goodbyes: Leveraging Offboarding for Employer Branding
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14 July, 2022
Onboarding: A Strategic Tool for Talent Retention
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08 June, 2021
Outplacement: A Real Opportunity for a Professional Rebound
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