Luca Ciccotelli

+39 024 3002

Via Mario Pagano 2, 20145 Milan


Bologna, Florence, Genoa, Milan, Naples, Padua, Rome, Turin, Verona

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“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”  – Viktor Frankl


Luca is the HR Division Manager of PRAXI S.p.A.’s branch in Milan, coordinating a team of 8 Researchers, Senior Consultants and Senior Assistants.

He is a registered Labour Psychologist and has been working in PRAXI since the earliest days of his career (since 2006). He coordinates and runs the Executives Searches, with a focus on Manufacturing, Energy & Utilities and Constructions markets, and Organizational Development projects, as Assessment Centers, Managerial Audits, Job Evaluation and design of Performance Management Systems.

Passionate towards the Human Side of the organizations, he believes that “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”. He carries this quote also while collaborating with colleagues from IT and Lean Consulting divisions, in transversal projects.

He likes to reread social psychology fundamentals (by Kahneman, Tversky, Bandura, Simon), when he is not playing UNO with his two kids or watching Friends with his wife.

Languages: Italian, English

Luca è l’HR Division Manager della sede Milanese di PRAXI e coordina un team di 8 Researchers, Senior Consultants and Senior Assistants.

Psicologo del Lavoro iscritto all’Ordine, lavora in PRAXI sin dagli esordi del suo percorso professionale (2006). Coordina e gestisce progetti sia di Executive Search, con un focus nei mercati Manufacturing, Energy & Utilities e Constructions, sia di Sviluppo organizzativo, come Assessment Centers, Managerial Audits, Job Evaluation e sviluppo di Sistemi di Performance Management.

La sua passione è il risvolto umano delle organizzazioni ed è convinto che “tra stimolo e risposta esiste uno spazio: in questo spazio vive il nostro potere di scegliere, la nostra possibilità di crescere e la nostra libertà”. Luca porta questa citazione anche in progetti trasversali condivisi con i colleghi delle Divisioni IT e di Lean Consulting.

A Luca piace rileggere i fondamentali della Psicologia Sociale (Kahneman, Tversky, Bandura, Simon), quando non sta giocando a UNO con i suoi 2 bambini o non sta guardando Friends con sua moglie.

Lingue: Italiano, Inglese